Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Bible disease

Idiot America is infested with millions of Bible thumpers. These are the extremists who believe everything in their worthless idiotic Bible, no matter how impossible, insane, immoral, anti-science, childish, and ridiculous it is. They are called the American Taliban and like the Taliban of Afghanistan their disease is virtually always incurable.

When our thumpers are not busy harassing and threatening biology teachers many of them are capable of being very nice, but they are causing great harm to themselves and to their children.

Imagine being a son or daughter of parents who believe in Genesis and every other batshit crazy story in their holy book. Of course they will inherit the exact same mental illness. They will learn to accept without evidence every impossible fantasy, and they will learn how to deny any scientific fact that conflicts with their fantasies, no matter how much evidence those facts have.

To make sure the religious indoctrination lasts a lifetime the idiot parents often make sure their victims never attend a real university where they might meet people who are not insane. Instead they get sent to a brainwashing organization like Liberty University which teaches all the Bible bullshit including a magically created 6,000 year old universe.

I asked a Bible thumping couple I know if they are concerned about their children learning evolution at their public school. They said their children are warned to ignore those lessons. Bible thumpers actually tell their children to not trust their science teachers.

It is difficult for me to imagine the incredible stupidity and insanity required to throw out vitually all of science and all common sense to believe Christian bullshit.

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