Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Definition of god: an invisible supernatural magician, a fantasy for cowardly gullible uneducated morons.

They call it a god, but their fantasy is really a magician, a creature that has never shown itself, a creature with unlimited magical powers.

They invoke their magician to explain what science has already explained. They use any excuse to justify their fantasy but they can't provide any evidence for it, for the same reason a not-too-bright four year old can't provide evidence for his invisible friend.

Their mental illness doesn't stop with the existence of their imaginary fairy. Remember it has unlimited magical powers, so of course these fucking idiots (also known as Jews, Muslims, Christians, etc.) invoke their fairy for an unlimited number of idiotic magic tricks, including disgusting fantasies like the magical resurrection of a stinking corpse into a zombie (the magic Jeebus man) and cowardly fantasies like dead people being magically sent to a magical paradise.

This mental illness has become an epidemic and it's out of control. For centuries every possible variation of this disease has been inherited by the next generation thanks to the disgusting mind destroying child abuse called religious indoctrination. In Idiot America these retards are called Christians and they have the moral values of a terrorist.

One reason the god disease is out of control is there are people who should know better who pretend to respect it, as if being insane is a good thing. You won't find any respect for religious insanity on this blog. Every theist should get all the respect they deserve and what they deserve is relentless ridicule and contempt.

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