Thursday, July 26, 2012

The magic Jeebus man was an uneducated moron.

Christianity is bullshit but Christians believe it anyway. They won't admit their fantasies are bullshit but they probably know their fantasies look like bullshit. They know an adult would never buy their bullshit. They know the only chance their children will become religious idiots like their parents is to brainwash them starting at the youngest possible age. Christians know their death cult would go extinct if they had the decency to wait until their children grow up before trying to indoctrinate them.

Try to imagine how difficult it would be to convince an adult (instead of a gullible child) the Jeebus fantasies are real. It would be impossible.

It would be impossible because every Christian fantasy is insane. For example there's the magic Jeebus man, a worthless know-nothing preacher who tells everyone he is the son of the magical master of the universe. If a Christian told an unbrainwashed adult there was a Jew who proved he was the son of god the adult would say "Get away from me you nutjob."

But it gets worse. Jeebus could perform magic tricks and according to Christians he did this frequently. For example there's the walking on water bullshit and the magically duplicating food to feed a large crowd bullshit.

The most ridiculous, most disgusting, and most important magic trick was when the stinking decomposing Jeebus rose from the dead. It's called the Resurrection and the entire Christian death cult completely depends on this bullshit for its existence.

None of it ever happened. Even if magic was real, it's ridiculous to assume a god (another childish fantasy) would single out earth for this special insane treatment.

Of course magic is not real. But Christians believe in magic anyway. They know the miracles are magic tricks but they will never admit that. They know if they call their magical fantasies "magic" they will look like idiots (they are idiots). So they dishonestly and stupidly say miracles are not magic. Instead miracles are miracles.

Right, as if that makes sense. As if a stinking corpse becoming a zombie doesn't require a massive amount of magic.

Another thing about Jeebus. If he was related to the all-knowing magic man of the entire universe, then why was Jeebus an uneducated moron? Jeebus didn't know anything about science. He never heard of evolution. Jeebus thought all creatures were magically created out of nothing, and he believed modern humans were god's favorite apes. Every educated person knows magical creationism is bullshit and every educated person agrees creationists are morons. Jeebus the creationist was an idiot. And Christians worship this imbecile.

Christianity is not just a harmless hobby for cowardly assholes. This death cult causes great harm to the children who get indoctrinated. The kids become permanently stupid and permanently gullible, willing to believe any bullshit if it makes them feel good.

Religious indoctrination is legal. Parents can tell their children anything, even if it's dishonest and even if it ruins their lives. But just because something is legal doesn't change the fact the brainwashers are fucking assholes who belong in prison for child abuse.

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