Tuesday, June 30, 2015

A wrote a comment at the Wall Street Journal Letters to the Editor.

Gabrielle Grossman wrote "As a person afraid to experience the anxiety connected with the ups and downs of stocks and bonds, I have kept my pension in the money market, hoping endlessly for a raise."
Ms. Grossman, if you invested in corporations which have a very long history of raising the dividend every year, including during recessions, and if you planned to own these shares for the rest of your life, you could have those raises you have been hoping for without ever having to worry about "the ups and downs". If you're never going to sell then you don't have to care if the stock market crashes because your dividend income will still be safe. Conservative dividend investors love when the stock market has a bad day because that means more buying opportunities.
Of course like any other method of investing, investing for dividends requires research, but that's easy with websites like Seeking Alpha.

Monday, June 29, 2015

I wrote a comment at a science news website - ‘Faith vs. Fact’ takes aim at religion

The only reason the world's idiotic religions still exist is the relentless brainwashing of very young children. This child abuse has been going on for centuries. The victims learn how to superstitious and stupid. Their curiosity is sucked out of them. Sometimes the indoctrination is so intense there is incurable brain damage.
Science is reality. Religion is fantasy. Science makes human progress possible. Religion just gets in the way.

Friday, June 26, 2015

At the Wall Street Journal I wrote a list of the many moronic fantasies American Christians share with Muslim terrorists.

"You see no difference in Christianity and Islam?"
"Virtually no difference" is what I wrote. To help you understand here is a list of some of the fantasies American Christians share with the lunatics of the Islamic State.
A belief in a magical master of the entire universe, as if magic is real.
A cowardly belief in a magical heaven for dead people, the fantasy that makes terrorism possible.
An anti-science belief in the magical creation of people.
A ridiculous belief in magical miracles, for example Christians believe a stinking decomposing corpse magically rose from the dead, while the terrorists believe the moon was magically split in half then magically put back together again. Both fantasies require throwing out all of reality.
Some of the many problems Christians share with Muslim terrorists:
The brainwashing of children, also known as child abuse.
Evolution makes Christians & Muslims cry which explains their never ending war against science education.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

"There are many aspects of the universe that still cannot be explained satisfactorily by science; but ignorance only implies ignorance that may someday be conquered. To surrender to ignorance and call it God has always been premature, and it remains premature today." -- Isaac Asimov

"There are many aspects of the universe that still cannot be explained satisfactorily by science; but ignorance only implies ignorance that may someday be conquered. To surrender to ignorance and call it God has always been premature, and it remains premature today."  -- Isaac Asimov

More quotes from Isaac Asimov at https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Isaac_Asimov

Quotes from Charles Darwin at https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Charles_Darwin

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

I copied and pasted a comment someone wrote at the Wall Street Journal about racism in America.

Racism is not as cut and dry as having a black President elected for two terms. Indira Gandhi was Prime Minister of India for nearly 15 years and quite obviously that isn't an indication of the strength of women's rights in India. These sorts of issues go much deeper than that. 
I do agree that education is the most important political issue here. We can't eradicate racism until all Americans are able to empower themselves. Minorities do not need governments forcing opportunity, or even the label of 'minority.'  Americans need equality and the faculty to create that opportunity on their own, full stop. That starts, you would agree, with a high standard of education. 
Inconsistent education across socioeconomic divisions, however, is an issue that has been improperly dealt with by both the political right and the political left. It should be, but isn't, at the forefront of all lead-up to the election. That in itself is a tragedy.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

IDIOT AMERICA "Prior to its release, Creation had trouble landing U.S. distribution, as virtually all studios deemed it too controversial for religious America."

Darwin was also the subject of the 2009 movie Creation. Starring Paul Bettany as the naturalist/geologist, Jennifer Connelly as his wife Emma, and Benedict Cumberbatch as career U.S. Army officer Joseph Hooker, the film dramatized Darwin’s life from the point after he lost his daughter, Annie, and his faith in God. This moment also slowed down his progress on the theory of evolution. Prior to its release, Creation had trouble landing U.S. distribution, as virtually all studios deemed it too controversial for religious America.


Islamic law does not allow marriages between Muslim women and non-Muslim men. Isn't this a violation of human rights?




Monday, June 22, 2015

I convinced a member of the disgusting chess.com to switch to Lichess.org This is from http://www.chess.com/forum/view/help-support/computer-analysis-not-working2?page=2

  • Computer analysis not working.

    I suggest the way to go is play chess at lichess.org where the computer analysis is excellent and totally free as is everything else. Everything free and no ads. Everything the highest possible quality. And the wait for the free computer analysis is about 30 seconds.
  • 34 minutes ago · Quote · #24
    What's the rating for the engine at lichess.org?
  • 21 minutes ago · Quote · Edit · Delete · #25
    hsong1 wrote:
    What's the rating for the engine at lichess.org?
    Not sure but they claim it's the most powerful engine they can get. It certainly impressed me.
  • 18 minutes ago · Quote · #26

    most powerful engine they can get. 
    It should be something like the old version of Stockfish or something.
  • 17 minutes ago · Quote · Edit · Delete · #27
    I looked it up. Here it is at lichess.org
    Lichess actually runs 74 instances of Stockfish that are spread across 8 servers, all in order to play chess moves and analyse games.
    • We upgraded Stockfish to the very latest development version. You could not wish for a finer engine.
    • We bought two new powerful servers (16 cores, 24GB RAM each) for Stockfish. It allows us to raise the analysis time to 4 seconds per move and search deeper than 20 plies ahead.
    • We taught Stockfish how to play Three-check. It can even analyse your Three-check games!
  • 16 minutes ago · Quote · #28
    Okay, so It's WAY better than Chess.com's. 
  • 14 minutes ago · Quote · Edit · Delete · #29
    What's really interesting is everything is totally free with no ads. These people work hard for the fun of it. And as you can see they are briilliant.
  • 12 minutes ago · Quote · #30
    Are the features just as good as Chess.com? Cause if so, I'll switch over.
  • 11 minutes ago · Quote · Edit · Delete · #31
    hsong1 wrote:
    Are the features just as good as Chess.com? Cause if so, I'll switch over.
    Actually everything, and I mean everything, is many times better than here and everywhere else.
  • 9 minutes ago · Quote · #32
    Really, I'll go check it.
  • 8 minutes ago · Quote · Edit · Delete · #33
    The place is amazing. Have fun with it.
  • 5 minutes ago · Quote · #34
    I just checked it AND IT'S AWESOME!!! Got to check it some more. GOSH, It's so freaking awesome. 
  • a few minutes ago · Quote · Edit · Delete · #35
    That was my reaction when I discovered it.

One of the Fucktards who work for the Christian Discovery Institute changed his name to write comments at a website. I wrote these 3 comments for the fucking asshole.

Hey everyone, Jared Jammer is Stephen C. Meyer, one of the dishonest idiots who works for the anti-science Christian Creationist Discovery Institute, also known as Crackpot Central. The goal of the Discovery Institute, which has never discovered anything, is too dumb down science education to accommodate their uneducated Christian customers.
Drop dead Meyer. You're a traitor who is trying to destroy science education in this country. Get off my planet moron.

Jared Jammer is Stephen C. Meyer. Do not waste your time replying to his moronic comments. He's a professional liar for the Magic Jeebus Man.

Jared Jammer is Stephen C. Meyer. He makes a living selling his childish magical intelligent design creationism fantasy. He calls his Magic Man the designer, as if calling magic by a different name makes it less childish. Meyer is a liar and a moron. Drop dead Meyer.



Saturday, June 20, 2015

There was a previous version of this blog. It was vaporized by Idiot Google when a deranged Christian asshole complained about it. I was able to save some of it including the entire right column. Here it is.


NEW YORK TIMES Darwin, Ahead of His Time, Is Still Influential

Wall Street Journal: Man vs. God (Richard Dawkins)

Why don't Muslims eat pork chops? Also, why do Muslims blow themselves up?

However, on religious issues there can be little or no compromise. There is no position on which people are so immovable as their religious beliefs. There is no more powerful ally one can claim in a debate than Jesus Christ, or God, or Allah, or whatever one calls this supreme being. But like any powerful weapon, the use of God’s name on one’s behalf should be used sparingly. The religious factions that are growing throughout our land are not using their religious clout with wisdom. They are trying to force government leaders into following their position 100 percent. If you disagree with these religious groups on a particular moral issue, they complain, they threaten you with a loss of money or votes or both. I’m frankly sick and tired of the political preachers across this country telling me as a citizen that if I want to be a moral person, I must believe in “A,” “B,” “C,” and “D.” Just who do they think they are? And from where do they presume to claim the right to dictate their moral beliefs to me? And I am even more angry as a legislator who must endure the threats of every religious group who thinks it has some God-granted right to control my vote on every roll call in the Senate. I am warning them today: I will fight them every step of the way if they try to dictate their moral convictions to all Americans in the name of “conservatism”.
– Senator Barry Goldwater

“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.” ― Barry M. Goldwater

At Yahoo I wrote an answer about magical creationism: https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20150620185515AAJZwra&sort=N

The biggest threats to magical creationism: 

It's the most ridiculous, most childish, and most moronic religious fantasy ever invented. 

The only scientific explanation for the diversity of life is evolution by natural selection which has 150 years of scientific discoveries supporting it including thousands of evidences from DNA sequencing which are so powerful Darwin could never have imagined it. 

The only people who want to throw out science and replace it with magic are god-soaked cowardly uneducated morons, while evolution is accepted by every competent biologist in the world. 

Evolution is the foundation of biology. Magical creationism is the foundation of bullsh!t religions.

6/21/2015 I wrote a comment at a Catholic website owned by a dipshit Catholic at http://www.catholic365.com/article/1705/does-the-catholic-church-accept-evolution.html

"Natural science cannot dogmatically rule out the possibility that there are purposeful designs in creation."

The evidence has repeatedly shown that what you call "purposeful designs" also known as "god waved its magic wand" or who knows what you mean, was not necessary because evolution is a completely natural process, and the existence of human apes was not inevitable. Any number of things could have prevented our development, including what if the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs crashed into Jupiter instead. Believe whatever superstitious nonsense you want, but biology does not need your magic man.

And that magical soul thing. You got to be joking. There's no evidence for it and it's a ridiculous fantasy, probably invented to justify the equally ridiculous magical heaven fantasy.

At http://www.canpro-security.com/fas/1215#comment-775 a dipshit asked a question and I answered it.

So whats your proof that nothing happens when we die?
Religious fantasies are so insane, childish, and ridiculous, they can be ignored. It’s not necessary to disprove bullshit.
In any case if a person makes a claim about something moronic, for example if I said pink elephants orbit an asteroid in another galaxy, it would be my responsibility to provide evidence for it. Nobody has to disprove something that is just another person’s fantasy.
A magical 2nd life for dead human apes is equally moronic. And the fact that millions of cowards believe in it is not evidence for anything except the stupidity of the cowards.

If the magical creationism fantasy is true why is the giraffe's laryngeal nerve 15 feet longer than necessary?